Josh & Amber | Engaged | Malibu, California | Los Angeles Wedding Photographer Becca Rillo

My world is so small, it really is. I met Josh at a Charity Event this past summer where we were both exhibitors (Josh is also a wedding photographer!). We ended up striking up a conversation at the event and really hit it off. He was talking about his girlfriend, Amber and how they were probably going to get engaged soonish. After a few minutes he introduced me to his then girlfriend, Amber! Turns out, Amber and I were friends when we were 13 and were going to the same church. She is now a fabulous harpist for weddings and special events! How crazy is it that we ended up in the same industry?! Like I said, small world. We all talked about wedding photography for a bit and then went our separate ways for the event. I was so thrilled when I got the e-mail from them saying that they were engaged and wanted me to photograph their wedding! It's seriously the BIGGEST compliment in the world when another wedding photographer asks you to shoot their wedding. I can't wait for their wedding in March! We did a 2-part engagement session so you'll have to wait until next week for the second installment. Here is part one!

Andrew & Sierra | Love | Malibu, California | Los Angeles Wedding Photographer Becca Rillo

I had so much fun tromping all over the beach with Andrew and Sierra earlier this month! Surprisingly enough, even though I live in Southern California, I rarely get asked to do a beach shoot. So needless to say, I didn't have much experience with the ocean.. So I asked Andrew if they might be interested in being my guinea pigs for a beach adventure! I'm so glad they were up for it because I think we got some great shots and I definitely got the practice I needed. They are the perfect beach couple! Side note: I've known Andrew since he was like, 6 months old.. that's right, we go way back ;)

Copyright © 2011 by Becca Rillo Los Angeles Wedding Photographer, Becca Rillo

Tell your love story without ever having to say a word.

Becca Rillo Photography | 661.310.6909 |